Kou Riming

Deputy Chairman & CFO

Mr. Kou Riming has served as Chief Financial Officer (founding partner), Director and Member of the Investment Committee of China-U.S. Green Investment Management Co., Ltd..

Mr. Kou has extensive investment experience in energy sector. Successively held the posts of Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of  China Reinsurance (Group), President of China Re Asset Management Co., Ltd., General Manager of UBS Group AG, Vice President and CFO of China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd., Director of Reform Committee of China Three Gorges Corporation, Deputy Director of the Treasury & Financial Market Department of China Development Bank and Senior Engineer of the Hydropower Project Department of China Energy Investment Corporation, etc.

He holds a doctoral degree of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and University of Western Ontario, qualified as a senior accountant and senior engineer and listed as one of the experts who enjoy the Special Government Allowance from the State Council.

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